Our Spring 2025 book fair is HERE!


Shopping at the book fair will be open on Parent/Teacher Conference nights (February 26th and March 6th) and students will shop with their classes the week of February 24th - 28th. See the schedule for when your child will visit the book fair:




Curious about what books will be available at the book fair?  While we can't guarantee that we'll receive specific books, the following lists include all books that Scholastic may send to our fair: K-6Preschool, and $5 & Under.


The specific cases from the above links that will be arriving for our fair are seen in the list below:



  • Chapter book
  • Easy reader
  • Favorite Character
  • Fun Facts
  • Picture book combo
  • Picture book tri fold
  • Preschool 1
  • Preschool 2



  • Dog man
  • Creative fun
  • Facts, Stats and more
  • Familiar friends
  • Great books great price
  • Hard cover picture books
  • Preschool
  • Preschool Friends
  • Read play and learn
  • $5 & Under

*Note- some lists provided above on Scholastic's website show books that are out of the age range of the students at our school. The $5 & Under list, for example, contains books for the entire K-12 age range. These older age books will not be in our fair. Only books within a year above or below the kids in our school will be included. For any questions, email us at lmeccpto@gmail.com.


An additional list of all books the LMECC actually received for the Spring 2025 Scholastic Book Fair can be found HERE. This link has both a pdf list of books that were scanned as well as a folder with images of those that did not scan. To see all books that arrived, you will have to view both lists.


** In compliance with Little Miami District policy, the LMECC PTO has an online form you can fill out if you are requesting that your child NOT purchase specific titles from the book fair. 


If you are simply requesting that your child not purchase journals, pens, etc., you can write a note or connect with the classroom teacher.  This form is for opt-outs from specific book titles only and is not to be used to request that books you already own are not purchased.


 The list of books that may be sent to the LMECC is available on Scholastic's website - see notes above.**



We are in need of volunteers to help us make the book fair magical!  Please sign up here to help students shop with their classes!


Share the Fair Donations/ Financial Assistance


If you are able to donate to our Share the Fair fund to help students in need receive a book at the fair, please see the E-Wallet link here: Share the Fair


If you are a family in need, please follow this LINK to fill out a Google Form so the administration can provide your student with a voucher to shop the fair for a free book. This will be handled discretely. 


How to Pay for Books

When students shop at the book fair with their class, they can pay with check (please make checks out to LMECC PTO) or cash. Parents can additionally pay with a credit/debit card or phone during conferences.


OR, Scholastic has an online wallet that you can load money onto for your student. See details below and click here to visit Scholastic's site to get things set up.  (If you had an e-Wallet last Fall, you can convert the e-gift card to more e-Wallet funds with just two clicks!)


(PLEASE NOTE: The prices in the flyer and on the site do NOT include tax, but tax will be charged at the book fair. Please be sure to include enough money to cover tax.)




If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will also benefit our school.


We can't wait to share the bookjoy with our youngest Panthers!  See you at the fair!




Interested in helping your favorite teachers stock their classroom libraries with the latest and greatest Scholastic books?


This year we have created an E-Wallet for all teachers at LMECC, available at the links below. Teachers are listed according to grade level... Specialists, Pre-K, Kindergarten & 1st Grade, then alphabetically by last name! 


Thank you in advance for helping our teachers encourage a love of books for our littlest students!




Steven Bichler

Tonya Carmack

Courtney Meyer

Courtney Reeder

Adrienne Saylor

Rogenia Schwartz

Jennifer Southwick

Brittany Stultz

Julie Theuring




Jenine Carroll

Caroline Davis

Tracy Naughton

Emily Whitaker

Amanda White




Carrie Brown

Erin Burgett

Lynsee Helton/ Krista Asbrock

Kerri King

Kim Ksander

Alyson Melfi

Kelsey Mitchell

Heidi Reiners

Meredith Troll

Rebecca Waits

Erica Williams


1st Grade:


Erika Barnes

Mariann Brusman

Maura Burkhouse

McKenna Byrne

Hayley Combs

Meggan Davis

Kaitlyn Gilbert

Paige Hutchins

Kendra Jones

Pam Jordan

Julia Lemmel

Taylor Miller

Shannon Platt

Sarah Rawson

Chelsea Stacy

Brittany Stapleton

Heidy Thompson

Morgan Thompson

Lisa Walker

Brian Zawodny